In yet another traitorous move, Attorney General Josh Shapiro (don’t worry… no relation to Ben Shapiro!) made a tall claim on Monday announcing that Pennsylvania’s largest gun show promoter has taken steps to ban ghost gun kits’ from its gun shows.
He said the deal done together with Eagle Arms Productions aims to “curb crime.”
He was quoted saying, “Ghost gun kits interpreted as 80 percent low receivers can be described as unassembled gun-making kits do not contain traceable serial numbers,” while adding that it reduces the need for buyers to bypass background check in availing of them.
On the other hand, the director of Ceasefire Pa. Adam Garber says that the provision makes them dangerous. He explains, “The very fact that they don’t adhere to existing gun safety laws like background check making them untraceable can be interpreted that they are fast becoming the weapon for choice for those with the motive to harm the community by resorting to violent crimes.”
My Question: How Many Criminals Have Been Arrested With “Ghost Guns?!”
Answer: NONE!
Remember: Criminals don’t care about laws. They don’t care about serial numbers. They don’t care about background checks!
The ridiculously move is met with disapproval from smart people like us – and the manager at Staudt’s Gun Shop, Kurt Green.
He said: “You cannot acquire 80 percent lower out of a box and discharge rounds from them. What it takes is a significant effort and access to tooling coupled with a certain access to mechanical knowledge need to operate a gun.”
“It entails so many things and is a lot more dangerous… You can’t just purchase these items from Home Depot.”
One of the advocates and lobby behind the gun promoters’ decision is the President of Firearms Owners Against Crime Kim Stolfer who is also a Second Amendment advocate.
He emphasizes, “They are watching a responsible businessman saying on record, ‘I do not want to belong to a criminal enterprise conveying lethal weapons to the market.”
Stolfer doesn’t support a blanket ban on all the 80 percent receiver gun kits, however.
“It implies sending the message to everyone indulging into it that the Government doesn’t trust them and sending the basic premise for gun control. Should it be self-regulated? My answer is yes,” he asserted.
On the other hand, Green believes that the move is overstretched and takes away the right away from law-abiding gun owners rather than sanctioning criminals. “Some 80 percent firearms fall under the category of hobbyists enjoying building a collection of personal firearms. On the other hand, we should not be overlooking the fact that a bad intentioned individual with a motive can access a firearm or a weapon in any way, shape, or form they possibly can.”
While Garber calls it a great step but insisted there is a need for more efforts. “There is a need for other gun show promoters to follow the footsteps of Eagle arms but also the Biden administration to pull more efforts in this direction and order ATF to treat the specific guns as any other firearm.”
“That would have the impact of people no longer able to order them online which remains an option together with other alternatives,” says Garber.
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