A man was allegedly set on fire inside his home in upstate New York. The assailants were two boys 14 and 16 spraying the victim with a flammable liquid and doused him on fire on a Friday afternoon while he was on a chair in Rochester.
The victim, 50, died after suffering second and third-degree burns over 70 percent was not able to be identified by the cops and initially was in critical condition at the Strong Memorial Hospital, according to Rochester Police Capt Frank Umbrino in an official statement.
Both teenagers were arrested, the 16-year-old during the weekend and his accomplice, 14 on Monday with charges such as first-degree assault and second-degree arson to be pressed. The police have not revealed the names of the assailants since they will be expected to face the trial as juveniles.
A probe is on the way to ascertain the relationship between the victim and assailants while still looking for possible witnesses or suspects in the case.
Grab Your “Not a Pepper Spray Kind of Girl” Shirt:
These kids need to be tried as adults.
I agree Roy. AND these sweet virgin children who are going to college to become brain surgeons and pillars of their communities; can get their GED in an ADULT PRISON where ‘BUBBA” and his cell mates will have 2 nice young gentlemen to pleasure all of them daisy-chain style. OH WAIT, THIS IS CUOMO’S AND DEBLAZIO’S LIBRAL DEMOCRAT CITY. THESE DEPRAVED HUMAN ARSONISTS WILL GET $10 ,000 SPENDING MONEY AND A “GET OUT OF JAIL FREE” CARD; IF THEY SWEAR TO NEVER BURN SOMEONE ALIVE AGAIN!