The Texas Gov. Greg Abbott made fun of President Joe Biden’s fresh executive actions on gun control, calling the proposals a mere ‘show’ that fails to tackle crime involving guns.
Democrat gun control is the biggest lie.
The Governor observes:
“I think that there is no acceptable way that a president by executive order can infringe upon Second Amendment rights or alter Second Amendment rights. If the president wanted to do something more than a show—if the president really wanted to do something substantively, what he really could do by executive order is to eliminate the backlog of complaints that have already been filed about gun crimes that have taken place.”
He further explained that Americans use guns for self-defense more than ever, hinting at the border crisis being cashed on by Mexican drug cartels, the “Defund the Police” movement, and bail policies allowing what he terms as “very dangerous criminals to be released back on the streets.”
“Texans and Americans know they need their Second Amendment rights to defend themselves at a time when the United States government and other governments are doing less to defend our fellow Americans. That is exactly why we should not have any further limitations of our Second Amendment rights,” he told.
Gov. Greg Abbott tweeted: “It’s time to get legislation making [Texas] a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary State passed and to my desk for signing.”
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