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The controversial marijuana legislation may see some movement with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announcing that the Democrats are ready to push forward.
He said in an interview, “He [Biden] said he’s studying the issue, so [I] obviously want to give him a little time to study it. I want to make my arguments to him, as many other advocates will. But at some point, we’re going to move forward, period.”
It is hinted that during the Presidential campaign, Biden didn’t support the legalization of marijuana, and soon after holding office, he apparently disqualified staffers because of drug consumption.
Unbelievable, right? LOL
However, many seem to oppose Schumer’s statements arguing that the drug’s legalizations have led to several problems such as a spurt in crime rates and worsening in medical conditions of their parents.
Emergency room doctors in Colorado discussed the negative impact of marijuana on their patients. The medical experts told about an increase in all drug use, encompassing marijuana with Methamphetamine use rising by 143 percent, opiates, and cannabis up by 10 percent and 57 percent respectively. Data from the ER drug screens over the past seven years supported this argument.
Dr. Karen Randall told: “If you pump a community full of drugs, you’re going to have to expect everything that’s associated with them. You’re going to have to expect the crime, addiction.”
He further said: “We’re the canary in the coal mine. Our kids are failing. Our kids are using drugs more. I can’t find health care for them. I can’t find rehab. I can’t find places to put the kids in foster care.”
THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is considered the main psychoactive ingredient in today’s marijuana products and is now being extracted to achieve a potency of more than 80 percent. In the 1990s, the average potency of a joint was around 4 percent THC.
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Joe Biden was part of the 1984 crime bill! Not sure if that’s the proper term, but I just read a conservative article that despite democrats downing police and prisons, he’s all for them! All this is just telling me that his hand is always in the cookie jar! People on all levels from music to doctors prescribing pills are amongst a few to help our prisons fill up so people like Joe Biden can get paid! If I was in his shoes and was all about money, I wouldn’t wanna legalize weed either!! Politicians sway towards the money! Lobbyism plays a big part in today’s world! It’s destroying our country!
I’m a conservative by the way! I’m scared of the path our country is on!
I am a 71 year old live time user of weed. When I started, baggies hadnt been invented yet. I find this drug to be a harmless vice for adults.
Live time??? As opposed to dead time? I believe you meant LIFE TIME USER. Yeah, harmless.
As we have seen in states that have legalized marijuana they are out of control.
Of course the demonocraps want legalization which gives the total control.
Having conservative values as an independent, National legalization would be the last nail in Americas coffin.
I think legalization is a good idea. This plant has many positive qualities and no harmful effects. It’s a God given herb to help mankind, and the tax revenues it will generate are astronomical.
Legalization would solve alot of financial crisis ongoing in America now. National debt, better highways, better funded health programs and medical care. All this can be done with the revenue generated by MARIJUANA… This plant has been used for thousands of years by the human race, to cure and remedy several ailments…
Probation does not work… My2cents
As someone who has suffered from debilitating health issues, legalizing Marijuana was a God send for my health. I was in so much pain daily that all I could do was cry and beg God to take me home. Once I got my medical Marijuana card I was able to play with my kids and spend time with my husband outside of him rubbing my back, bringing me OTC pain meds, trips to the ER or holding me up in the shower just to bathe. However, with the medical Marijuana card you are not able to obtain your Concealed carry permit. Also, from a health perspective, smoking weed as opposed to using a tincture is harmful for your lungs and body. Smoking in general is bad for the body so administering weed by means of smoking it(joints, bowls or blunts) is going to cause you health problems. I had my card one year, used it for what I needed and then left it expire so I could obtain my CCP during these crazy times.