The so-called “ghost guns” are vilified by the anti-gun lobby, who are unable to tolerate that some just build a firearm themselves and bypassing the entire background check system.
Remember: Criminals don’t care about background checks or serial numbers!
It is beyond the liberal’s thinking how someone might want to do something for themselves without seeking the Government’s permission to own it.
This is the entire reason the left want to end such practices. It’s all about control.
Delaware just proposed to outlaw the homemade “ghost guns” which cannot be traced by law enforcement agents for the simple reason that they lack serial numbers.
In an effort to release the bill following a lengthy two-hour public debate coupled with the majority speaking against it new “ghost gun” laws, the committee toed the party line on Tuesday by voting in its favor.
The measure is deemed to be similar to a bill last year that failed to pass the floor last year and getting the support of Democratic Gov. John Carney. The latter first proposed the named law in 2019 with the bill’s chief’s sponsor, House Majority Leader Valerie Longhurst, D-Bear describing it as a “preventative measure.”
She said: “It’s just another avenue for illegal guns to reach our streets and the hands of the wrong guys.”
As it is, since 2009, Delaware police seized 60 such weapons and in a state comprising almost a million residents in a span of two and a half years.
Another huge encroachment on our 2nd Amendment.
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