A close friend of mine recently surprised me with a comment on my video calling out Kamala Harris for her desire to ban and confiscate what she calls “assault weapons.” My friend’s comment made it seem like she was OK with banning “just assault weapons,” while other firearms would still be acceptable.
This struck me because it’s a viewpoint I’ve been hearing more and more often lately—a kind of compromise in the debate where people think, “Let’s ban the bad guns, but other guns are fine.”
The problem? This viewpoint is not based in truth.
This viewpoint stems from misconceptions about what an “assault weapon” is, how these firearms are different than “good guns,” and why they’re crucial for law-abiding citizens to own.
So, I wanted to dive in and break down the debate—because there’s a lot more to this issue than most people realize.
So… what is an “Assault Weapon”?
The military doesn’t use this term “assault weapon.” You’ll never find these terms in any official military documentation or historical record.
It doesn’t exist in those places.
Gun owners don’t use this term for any gun.
Just like we don’t use the term “assault knife” when a criminal attacks and kills dozens with a knife, or “assault vehicle” when someone attacks people with their car.
So where did the term come from?
The term “assault weapon” originated in the United States during the 1980s to the1990s. It’s a political term used to describe certain types of semi-automatic firearms that resemble military weapons – but the civilian firearms are completely different. Civilians cannot own the fully automatic versions of these firearms.
The term “assault weapon” was introduced only in political discourse, popularized by gun control advocates and the media to refer to semi-automatic firearms that look similar to their military counterparts.
The term gained traction with the passage of the 1994 Federal Assault Weapons Ban, which prohibited the manufacture and sale of certain semi-automatic firearms and magazines that could hold more than 10 rounds. The law defined “assault weapons” based largely on cosmetic features such as pistol grips, folding stocks, and flash suppressors, rather than how the firearm functioned.
The term “assault weapon” has been used loosely by politicians and the media to describe certain semi-automatic firearms, especially ones that look intimidating. The problem is, the definition is all over the place.
Is it how the gun looks?
How fast it shoots?
How many rounds it holds?
Here’s the truth: most of the firearms they call “assault weapons” are simply semi-automatic rifles like the AR-15 – which is the most popular sporting rifle in America.
These rifles fire one bullet per trigger pull—just like your granddad’s hunting rifle.
The difference?
Politicians and the media freak out because these rifles look like military rifles.
But guess what?
The AR-15 has never been issued to any soldier in any war in the history of the planet. It’s not a weapon of war; it’s a tool for self-defense.
The term “assault weapon” is a pure media invention.
When does a gun become an “Assault Weapon”?
Is it about how fast you can shoot?
Many think “assault weapons” fire faster, but that’s not true. Both the AR-15 and Glocks (the most popular handgun on the planet) are semi-automatic, firing one bullet per trigger pull.
I can shoot an AR-15 as fast as a Glock.
So, it can’t be about speed.
It it about how many rounds the gun holds?
Another common argument is that AR-15s are dangerous because they have high-capacity magazines, typically holding 30 rounds.
But here’s the thing: I can get a 30-round magazine for a Glock, too. In fact, I can get a Glock magazine that holds 100 rounds!
So, if the number of rounds is the problem, then why single out the AR-15?
(Now… if you’re of the thinking, “yes! It’s how many rounds it holds! No one needs 30 rounds!” Just hang tight… We’ll get there!)
Is it just the way it looks?
When you strip it down, the big issue people seem to have with the AR-15 is that it looks like a military weapon.
But looks don’t kill—it’s the function that matters.
And functionally, the AR-15 operates just like any other semi-automatic firearm.
The idea that an AR-15 is somehow “worse” just because it looks scarier is pure media hype.
Is it about how many people it can injure?
One of the most misleading arguments is that AR-15s can injure or kill more people than other weapons. But here’s the truth: Criminals can use use ANY weapon for deadly attacks.
Let’s look at some examples:
- The Nice Truck Attack (2016): A terrorist used a truck to mow down pedestrians in Nice, France, killing 86 people. No guns involved. We didn’t rename trucks into “assault trucks.”
- Kunming Train Station Attack (2014): A group of attackers armed with knives killed 31 people and injured more than 140 at a train station in China. A knife, in the hands of a criminal, can be just as deadly as any firearm. We didn’t rename these knives into “assault knives.”
- London Bridge Attack (2017): Attackers used a van to run people over and then went on a stabbing spree, killing 8 people and injuring dozens more. Again, no firearms needed to carry out mass carnage. We didn’t start saying “assault van.”
It’s not the tool, it’s the intent.
Whether it’s a gun, a knife, or even a vehicle, people with evil intentions will find ways to cause harm.
The idea that banning AR-15s would somehow stop mass violence is simply false.
Criminals will always find ways to inflict harm—so why take away the most effective tool law-abiding citizens have to defend themselves?

OK, So They Get Banned… Then What?
Let’s say the politicians get their way and AR-15s are banned. What would that actually look like?
Would criminals—the very people committing most of the violent crimes—suddenly give up their AR-15s? Or would they keep them?
Let’s be real here: Criminals don’t follow laws.
They aren’t going to march into a police station and hand over their rifles just because there’s a new ban in place.
To put it into perspective, let’s take a look at the war on drugs. Drugs have been illegal since the Controlled Substances Act was passed in 1970.
We’ve had entire government agencies, drug-sniffing dogs, undercover agents, and countless resources devoted to removing illegal drugs from the streets.
Yet, drugs are still everywhere. If someone wants drugs, they’ll find a way to get them, no matter how many laws we pass or how many task forces we deploy.
Now imagine applying that same logic to AR-15s. Would we need to train dogs to sniff out AR-15s? Create a new government agency to find and confiscate them? The idea is just as unrealistic as it sounds.
The bottom line is this: banning AR-15s won’t stop criminals from getting their hands on one. If a criminal wants an AR-15, they’ll get one—just like they do with illegal drugs.
The only people impacted by these bans are law-abiding citizens.
Stripping away my right to own an AR-15s leaves me defenseless against the criminals who will still have theirs.

“Andy… No One Needs 30 Round Magazines!”
Now let’s talk about why law-abiding citizens need AR-15s.
First, we’ve got to consider what’s happening at the southern border.
It’s no secret that criminals and gang members are crossing into our country at alarming rates.
The U.S. Customs and Border Protection says 10 million illegal immigrants have crossed the border illegally since Biden has been in office. (Trump says the number is closer to 21 million, but either way – it’s more than a LOT.)
Among them are thousands of violent criminals, gang members, and terrorists intent on doing us harm.
With violent crime on the rise (ironicaly, particularly in cities and states with harsher gun laws) law-abiding citizens are finding themselves more vulnerable than ever.
According to the FBI, there were nearly 1.3 million violent crimes reported across the U.S. in 2022 alone, including homicides, aggravated assaults, and robberies.
We’re talking about real threats that people face in their neighborhoods, not in some far-off battlefield.
Let me give you a couple of recent examples where an AR-15 would have been crucial for self-defense:
- Israel on October 7th, 2023 – During the surprise attack on Israel, civilians were caught completely off guard by armed militants. Imagine if those citizens had been equipped with AR-15s—they could have defended their homes and families with the same firepower the attackers used. In situations like this, an AR-15 isn’t a luxury—it’s a necessity for survival. Think this can’t happen here? Just watch. It’s coming.
- Aurora, Colorado – Just recently, residents of an apartment complex found themselves terrorized by Venezuelan gangs who seized control of entire buildings. Local law enforcement was overwhelmed, and these citizens were left to fend for themselves. Those criminals had AR15s – why shouldn’t the citizens have had them?
- Seattle’s CHAZ/CHOP Zone (2020) – During the summer of 2020, parts of Seattle were effectively seized by protesters who set up the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” (CHAZ). For weeks, law enforcement was absent, and violence surged inside the zone. Residents and business owners were left defenseless against theft, vandalism, and violence. Should we not allow residents and business owners to have access to AR15s for self defense?
- Minneapolis Riots (2020) – Following the death of George Floyd, Minneapolis was gripped by violent riots that destroyed entire neighborhoods. Buildings were burned to the ground, looters roamed freely, and law enforcement was stretched thin. Many business owners were left helpless as their properties were ransacked and destroyed. Should we have prevented business owners access to life-saving tools like AR15s?
- The Ferguson Riots (2014) – After the shooting of Michael Brown, Ferguson, Missouri, experienced weeks of unrest, including looting, arson, and violent confrontations. Property owners had little to no means of protecting their businesses and homes from the destruction. With an AR-15, they could have defended themselves from the mobs.
- Hurricane Harvey Looting (2017) – In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, widespread looting occurred in parts of Houston, Texas. Law enforcement was focused on rescuing people and dealing with the disaster, leaving many residents vulnerable to criminals taking advantage of the situation. An AR-15 would have been an invaluable tool for those who had to face looters in the aftermath of the hurricane.
- The Sutherland Springs Church Shooting (2017) – A hero armed with an AR-15 stopped the mass shooter responsible for the Sutherland Springs church massacre. The shooter had killed 26 people, and without the intervention of Stephen Willeford and his AR-15, the tragedy could have been far worse. This real-life example shows how these rifles can be life-saving tools in the hands of responsible citizens.
In Conclusion
The media and politicians want to scare you with buzzwords like “assault weapon,” but the truth is, the AR-15 is nothing more than a tool for self-defense. With rising crime rates, unchecked illegal immigration, and real threats to our safety, law-abiding citizens need the means to protect themselves and their families.
So the next time someone tells you that no one “needs” an AR-15, remind them of the criminals crossing our borders, the violent crime on our streets, and the moments in history when people did need those very tools to protect their lives.
Stay safe, stay vigilant, and protect your rights. We’re all in this together.
—Andy the Gun Guy
It’s not just the criminals that will have weapons but politicians will have them because they claim they are “high profile” and therefore they need the guns, whereas we the normal citizens do not! The hypocrisy is glaring and deadly!
THis is just another version of a semi automatic rifle. In Pennsylvania it is not wise to use for deer, It is too light of a cartridge in spite of its fast .233 55 gr bullet! A common hunting cartridge called the .243 winchester has greater potenitial in knock down power on a big game animal. That is for certain. This so called assault weapon as some biased news people call it will not killl a tank. Just bounce off of it! I was up game commission firing range one day and a person I knew who had one offered me a chance to shoot one. I did not want to waste his bullets and I fired 2 shots at a target 100 yards away. THe bullet is very fast an da very loud noise maker that makes a sharp crack when you pull the trigger. It throws the empty about 3-4 feet away after it ejects it. I wasn’t too impressed about its performance for their are better cartridges for deer. However its performance would be quite impressive when hunting alligators in a Louisianna Swamp which runs a whole month of September every year. Many locals make their living there catching alligators in order to provide for their struggling families. When they battle a huge dangerous alligator, they are putting their lives on the line in order to make a living! An angry alligator can quickly pull them over board from a boat and kill them. No joke. Then you need a fast acting semi automatic rifle for such actions. States Like Louisianna, Mississipi are very poor states with constant flooding an drain fall. Hurricanes and Tornados are common place. You need a gun like this to survive and provide for your family since commercial job industry is lacking. Many ex service men like them on account of nostalgia for shooting as a form of relaxation. Nothing wrong with that since they are not fully automatic. They served their country well in time of war and peace. Personally I dont own one, but I love firearms for hunting. Nothing wrong with that. Just because you got out occassionally to cut paper targets does not mean that you are out to kill anyone. This younger generation has gone to hell as being members of the Rainbow Coalition and there diabolical culture of trying to be something your not in regards to sex change operations. When their personal expectations does not meet their expectations, so mass shooting occur due to mental behavior. People have never learned that Guns do not Kill People! People Kill Other People out of Hatred and Rage when things dont go according to plane. This is my own opinion. I will never say to anyone who likes them that they should not own one. It is there right to do so. I have no objections against that! It is their Secnd Amendment Rights to own them just as it is mine to own a Rifle or a Shot gun for Deer Hunting. I have been in the field for so many years pursuing my sport of small game hunting. Why woukd I want to deprive some one else of their interest in them. I never saw anything bad ever happen out in the field during the hunting season or at a public shooting range. I did see honest small gun shop owners get busted for no reason at all in Nanticoke Pa and have his FFL revoked for no valid reason. He was no threat to anyone. Msny people came to his Shop for supplies during the regular PA hunting seasons. I knew th eman personally for over 35 years. He did not deserve what Joe Biden and friends did to put him out of business. I saw it happen! THe Democratic party is Corrupt and Dirty as hell! Look at Joe Biden’s Son? It tells a true story of high Immorality, corruption and scandel. May God grants us the necessary votes to get these bad people out of public office.