I am female and own a snub nose Smith and Wesson. Not very accurate. What kind of glock would you recommend for me to start looking for snd learn to shoot. It’s getting scary these days.
I’ve been watching “She Equips Herself” on youtube. She’s great! I learned a lot. She suggests going to a range and renting a couple different guns and see which ones you like to shoot or feel more comfortable with. I think that’s terrific advise. I had a Ruger EC9S. I like the way it shoots -pretty accurate, but for some reason I didn’t feet as comfortable with it as I do with my Smith & Wesson M&P Shield 9mm. Best wishes to you!
Thank you, I agree with you.
Great ad!
I am female and own a snub nose Smith and Wesson. Not very accurate. What kind of glock would you recommend for me to start looking for snd learn to shoot. It’s getting scary these days.
I’ve been watching “She Equips Herself” on youtube. She’s great! I learned a lot. She suggests going to a range and renting a couple different guns and see which ones you like to shoot or feel more comfortable with. I think that’s terrific advise. I had a Ruger EC9S. I like the way it shoots -pretty accurate, but for some reason I didn’t feet as comfortable with it as I do with my Smith & Wesson M&P Shield 9mm. Best wishes to you!