The Surprising Way Gun Laws Are Used Against Us
I mean, you know that gun control are used against us.
There’s no secret.
But… the Kyle Rittenhouse trial has taught us some valuable lessons.
When the news media first picked up the news about the Rittenhouse shooting, they immediately published headlines like, “Was it Legal to Own This Rifle?” and “Did the Rifle Cross State Lines?” or “Was the Magazine Legal or Illegal?”
These questions were all in reference to the smaller gun control laws people don’t really think about.
Gun control laws like, “You need to get a concealed carry permit prior to carrying for self defense.”
Or laws that outlaw certain sized magazines.
These laws are created, published, and enforced by politicians touting “public safety.”
They want you to believe that these restrictions are put in place to reduce crime rate or keep people from getting hurt or killed.
But, in reality, these laws are created to control the individual, not to control the firearm.
Licensing Restrictions Are Leverage That Can Be Used Against Law Abiding Gun Owners
The first thing prosecutors – and the mainstream media – attacked Kyle Rittenhouse on was his possession of the firearm at 17 years old.
In all reality, Wisconsin law allows 16 and 17-year-olds to be in possession of rifles that have a barrel length of 16 inches or more and that have an overall length of 26 inches – which is why the possession charge was ultimately dismissed.
But what we need to ask ourselves is this…
Had that rifle not been “legal” in Wisconsin, would Rittenhouse lose the legal protection to defend his life with that firearm?
In Florida, it is illegal to carry a firearm outside of your home unless you have been issued a license to carry by the state.
Let’s say a Florida woman who doesn’t have a state issued license to carry is attacked out of her home. If she defends herself with a firearm concealed in her purse, should she lose the right to claim self-defense because she didn’t have the state issued permit?
These regulations can be just as dangerous to our fundamental rights – because the focus of the court system and media would be on the idea that the law abiding gun owner was NOT law abiding due to not having a firearm.
Licensing requirements give the government the upper hand over citizens.
Okay, good video as far as being easy to hear and understand the words themselves are concerned; that’s the good news. Now, this is just my opinion, but I watch hundreds of videos regarding the recent issues (covid, illegals, Afghanistan to name a few), and I notice that some of the programs/narrators are better at encouraging me to listen to than others. And that’s because they don’t use a lot of technical language that you have to have a degree in science, psychology, or law to understand. So, regarding this video, I’m good until the legal part ’cause I always get confused about what’s admissible and what’s not. …But the thing that really got annoying was how the camera kept switching perspective – from straight-on front at a distance to close-up front to 45 degree angle right to close-up to angle to straight distanced…. and so on every 2- 10 seconds. I know that’s supposed to make it look like he’s talking to a group and/or make the background less boring – but it really gets distracting after the 20th time. Maybe less. …Besides, Tucker Carlson and Stew Peters don’t do that, and they keep a viewership just fine. Anyway, that’s my 2 cents’ worth. Thanks for the time.
I understand what you’re saying completely I have been using rifles pistol since I was 14 years old had my license to carry in Massachusetts at 21 got in to a motorcycle accident. The doctors put me on oxycontin because of the injuries and they never properly tapered me off the medication after being on it for 6 months I was extremely addicted I was sick didn’t know what to do trying to work pay for my house do everything I tried everything I could think of I even turned myself into the local police station that sent me to the hospital. The hospital to help me prescribe me 30 more Percocets and told me there was nothing they can do and at that time I was at the end of my rope I didn’t know what to do this was 14 years ago now and I had a lot of things going on my wife almost died giving birth my son was premature was born with a bunch of birth defects I’m sick trying to go to work I’m buying these stupid things off the street cuz I don’t know what else to do and I just lose everything to lose all my money stop paying my mortgage just buying these stupid pills and I ended up out of desperation stealing money from convenience stores because the addiction never had a issue in my entire life no crime before and none after if that happened today with the way the world is and they’re treating these people that are committing crimes I probably wouldn’t have got nothing sent maybe to rehab I don’t know but now they took away my LTC and I want to get it back. I want it back and deserve it back it wasn’t me it was the stupid drugs and like I said I’ve always been a law abiding citizen I have never been in trouble before I’ve never been in trouble after not even so much as a speeding ticket and those pills ruined my life the only thing you did was save me cuz I probably would have been dead if I didn’t get arrested and I admitted to everything I told the truth I knew what I did was wrong I took a plea deal and just to get it over with because I knew what it was wrong. And I regret it there’s nothing I can do I want to get my license back just kills me no end I had no help you know there was no help 14 years ago like there is today those stupid pills you know when the doctor just giving them out like candy to people eat me alive. And I you know it’s so expensive for lawyers they want $5,000 insane I don’t know one of these days I hope one of these days when all my three kids are grown up my wife and I retired maybe then I’ll have the money to pay a lawyer I don’t know how to do it on my own and I have nobody to help me. Stupid situation man. You know the doctors literally handed me a piece of paper for alcoholics anonymous when I told him I was sick when I went back and said I’m extremely sick I don’t know what’s going on I feel like my spine was being ripped out of my body and I was being torn apart never been through anything in my life from that medication it wasn’t a drug addict that was nothing it was an injured guy from a motorcycle accident and was stupid pills ruined my life I hate it hate every minute of it. I can’t get over it eats at me everyday. Wish I could find a way to fix it or find somebody to help.
Maybe I am wrong, but I never seem to hear that in order for a person to own a fully automatic weapon, they are required to have a federal license for that? I mean they need serious background checks, training and it helps if they have military background.
Wouldn’t that automatically keep AR-15 and similar semi-automatic weapons separate from all this ‘assault weapon ‘ tactics the government uses?