On Friday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Friday signed an executive order to deter the use of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus “vaccine passports” and became the first US Governor implementing actions against what is described by civil liberties group as a potential privacy nightmare.
The Republican Governor’s order follows unconfirmed reports that the Biden administration could be working on what is called the implementation of a vaccine passport system model in the country.
Today I issued an executive order prohibiting the use of so-called COVID-19 vaccine passports. The Legislature is working on making permanent these protections for Floridians and I look forward to signing them into law soon. Read my EO here – https://t.co/6QwLsLWEWm
— Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) April 2, 2021
Earlier on Monday, Desantis said on record that he would prevent local governments and businesses in Florida from creating or requiring what is called “vaccine passports” – documents proving someone obtained the jab for the CCP virus.
The order stated, “No COVID-19 vaccine is required by law” while adding that the vaccination records are private health information” which shouldn’t be revealed by the recipient. The mandate, according to the Government, would thwart freedom and harm a patient’s privacy.
“A requirement to show a passport to take part in everyday life such as a sporting event, going to a restaurant or going to a movie theater would ‘create two classes of citizens,’” DeSantis stated.
Increasingly, airlines and cruise companies seem to favor vaccine passports to encourage travel. The State of New York has proposed its “Excelsior Pass” that can be leveraged for large-scale events such as Madison Square Garden or sporting events, and countries such as Israel has set up a vaccine passport system in February designed to offer access to gyms and hotels.
Iceland, on its part, leverages a vaccine passport to ensure foreign travel.
Saudi Arabia has launched an app-based passport for everyone who got the jab.
Glad Floridians won’t go through any of that bullshit.
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