Joe Biden’s Epic Disgraces… Turned Into Gear!
I mean seriously.
What did the liberals expect when they hired a “mail-order” President?
With Joe Biden’s approval numbers recently falling into the 20%, it’s time for us to publish the most epic anit-Biden gear. This gear is listed in no particular order – but I guarantee you’re going to love it.
F*ck Joe Biden.
And Let’s Go Brandon!
Top 10 FJB Gear #1: Joe Dirt
In case you haven’t ever watched Joe Dirt, it’s a movie worth seeing. Featuring an idiotic trailer-trash loser, Joe Dirt has a lot in common with Joe Biden.
While there’s a ton of FJB gear all over the internet, this one is exclusive to our site here at Carry Daily.
Available in t-shirts, long sleeves, tumblers, hoodies, and a bunch more.
Starts at just $17.76.
See what we did there?
Show Me More FJB Gear Like This!
Standard, Plain-Jane FJB Gear
Pull no punches.
Say it like it is.
FJB Gear that’s simple, plain, and tells the point.
I get more compliments with this shirt than any other.
Jihadi Joe – a Real American Zero (FJB Gear)
Long before the entire “Let’s Go Brandon” situation was ever brought up…
Biden ruined America’s image – and dozens of American lives – with his screw up in Afghanistan.
As a tribute to his awful actions and terrible decisions, we launched our, “Jihadi Joe – A Real American Zero” t-shirt to celebrate his misery.
Starting at – you guessed it – $17.76 and available in a ton of other options and colors.
This is some of the best FJB Gear we ever launched.
Biden 1 Star Review (Very bad. Do not recommend.)
I think even liberals are giving Biden these reviews right now.
Did they honestly think this brain-dead dementia-ridden weakling would be able to run our country efficiently?
I can’t imagine they really did.
FJB Gear for the win!
Biden Sucks Gear
Such a classic.
So simple.
So elegant.
So easy to get your point across.
Not My President T-Shirt (FJB Gear)
I mean…
Let’s face it.
Joe Biden…
is not…
…our president.
They cheated.
They lied.
They always will.
Let’s Go Brandon T-Shirt
Of course, no FJB gear would be complete without adding in the latest classic, “Let’s Go Brandon” gear.
If you haven’t seen the origins yet of the whole, “Let’s Go Brandon” phenomenon all across the country right now, you can see the full story here: Where did let’s go Brandon come from?
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