The FBI reveals that background checks for firearms reached a new high in March with some 4.7 million checks done this month, surpassing an earlier record of 4.3 million clocked in January. The numbers provided by the FBI entails background checks for firearms, permits, and other purposes pertaining to guns.
Figures were adjusted from the National Shooting Sports Foundation which reveals that gun checks alone in March stood at 2 million and constituting the highest following 2.3 million done on the corresponding period of last year.
Mark Olivio of the Foundation stated:
“The COVID-19 pandemic conditions and the push for gun ownership restrictions are propelling Americans to buy more guns. As long as you continue to see these misguided calls for gun control to chip away the rights of law-abiding citizens and not look at legislation that’s going to keep firearms out of the hands of criminals, firearms on the hands of those who are adjudicated mentally defective, you’re going to continue to see Americans go out and exercise their right before that right is seized from them by their government.”
An alternate view was offered by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. “The latest data released by the FBI shows that Americans continue to react to uncertainty by seeking self-protection with a firearm. This reaction follows decades of public posturing by the gun industry and the National Rifle Association (NRA) who have fueled a year of panic purchasing by promulgating fear and paranoia,” according to Kris Brown, president of the group.
“These new statistics similarly do not reflect the many firearms sold without a background check in private transfers, potentially dangerous sales that are currently legal. Those sales are not regulated and therefore not accounted for in the NICS data. We need comprehensive gun safety laws, such as universal background checks, to ensure that firearm sales are conducted safely and that individuals prohibited from buying a firearm do not obtain one,” Brown added.
Together with swelling sales of guns, NRA memberships witnessed a massive increase in recent months.
Set against mass shootings last month, President Joe Biden and congressional Democrats, are clamoring for both new gun control laws and executive action designed to curb gun ownership. There have been few mass shootings in 2020 since most American citizens spend the most time at home following the imposition of strict restrictions set against the pandemic.
However, crime saw a surge in selected cities coupled with a significant rise in murders coupled with movement to slash police funding.
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